Workshop and Service

Our underlying care and experience is reflected in the various successes of our customers in historic rallies with their pre-war Aston Martin.
We subject all spare parts that we do not manufacture ourselves to a thorough inspection and carefully rework these parts if necessary.
Various components, up to AM 1935 1.5 litre, AM up to 1939 2.0 litre and AM up to 1989 DB4-V8, are produced in-house under the highest quality conditions.
Experience has taught us to replace important engine components such as gear wheels, valve adjustment caps, gaskets, stud bolts, screw connections, ignition distributor systems and, not to forget, important additional oil lubrication lines and much more, with high-quality materials and expertise.

Whether a major or minor inspection is due, every step is carried out with the utmost care.
During an inspection, parts and components are not only checked, but also replaced if necessary.
This applies in particular to wearing parts or elements that pick up dirt, particles and other impurities during their work.